Kazakhstan climate promise

In accordance with the Paris Agreement requirements, Kazakhstan is currently in the process of analyzing its existing system of measuring and reporting impacts of adaptation and mitigation measures on climate change.
The project will provide support in updating Kazakhstan’s NDCs by incorporating climate change adaptation policies and measures and introducing a state-of-the art system of measuring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gases. A Roadmap for fulfilling commitments on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation actions is going to be developed, that will serve as a technical guideline for the Government of Kazakhstan on fulfilling commitments and achieving mitigation and adaptation goals.
In line with UNDP’s policy supporting climate action, a set of training sessions, workshops and seminars will be organized to strengthen national expert potential in adaptation and mitigation of climate change and to maximize attention to climate change related issues.

Core goals of the project:
1. Development of a component on climate change adaptation for its inclusion to the updated Kazakhstan’s NDCs.
2. Development of the Roadmap for the implementation of climate change adaptation measures.
3. Building the capacity of participants of the national inventory system (data collection and processing).
4. Trainings on GHG emission inventory for experts, including private sector.
5. Development of greenhouse gas emission inventory methodologies for the sectors covered in the GHG emissions regulation system.
6. Coverage of climate change vulnerability and adaptation with the involvement of all available mass media.


•    The component on climate change adaptation is developed for its inclusion to the updated Kazakhstan’s NDCs.
•    Roadmap for the implementation of climate change adaptation measures is developed.
•    Greenhouse gas emission inventory methodologies for sectors covered in the GHG emissions trading system is developed.
•    Trainings on GHG emission inventory for experts are delivered.
•    Proposals for automated GHG inventory system design is developed.
•    Vulnerability assessments in the key sectors are conducted.
•    Vulnerable groups of population are identified.
•    Financial needs for adaptation are identified.
•    National Climate Forum is organized and conducted.

The project will support Kazakhstan to improve its system of measuring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gases, include climate change adaptation measures in NDCs and raise awareness about the climate change issues.

• Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

•    2020 - 2022

• UNDP: $540,000

14, Azerbaijan Mambetov str.,  Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan