Sustainable forest management

The project goal is to improve the forest, adjacent  meadow and desert resources preservation and management system which are important to preserve biodiversity, land resources and ensure the local population’s well-being. Another goal is to encourage gender equality and ensure right and opportunities for women as much as possible within the project.


Result 1.1: Prevention of loss and degradation of forests of high importance and the relevant ecocystems and biodiversity within protected areas in Kazakhstan
Result 1.2: The improvement of management of highly important forests through the realization of specific management measures in targeted PAs, consisting of forest ecosystems with a total area of 1 899 134 ha.
Result 2.1: The   improvement of management of forests of high  environmental value at the landscape level for generating direct ecological and economic benefits for the local population
Result 2.2: The creation of conditions for supporting sustainable forest management tasks through the improvement of legislation framework and information and forests data management system on the total territory of 12 652 400 ha of the national forest fund
Result 2.3: The integration of economic and ecological assessment of ecosystem services as well as criteria and indicators of forest sustainable management into the decision making process on natural resources management through the demonstration of innovative and analytical planning tools.
Result 3.1: The enhancement of Kazakhstan’s potential on wildlife monitoring,  poach fighting and information management (snow leopard monitoring and conservation )


Component 1: The enhancement of representativeness of globally important biodiversity of forest ecosystems within PA network and the enhancement of PA management effectiveness, including forests of high environmental value.
Component 2: The encouragement of integration of forest PAs into the landscape context for the effective regulation and management of globally important ecosystems.
Component 3: International cooperation and knowledge management.

Project territories

Project territories include mountaineous, riparian and saxual forests.
1.East-Kazakhstan Region -Казахстанская область (Altay Mountains and Saur-Tarbagatay)
2.Almaty Region (Zhongar Alatau, Central and Northern Tien Shan, bottomland forests of Charyn and Ile Rivers, saxaul forests in Balkhash area)
3.Turkestan Region (mountainous ecosystems of Western Tien Shan, bottomlands of Syrdaria River).

Timeframe for project implementation:
April 2018 – April 2023

GEF budget: $8 069 178
Co-financing: $94 864 854

•The Forestry and Wildlife Committee of the Agriculture Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
•Local state authorities
•Protected areas
•Local residents
•The Fund for financial support of agriculture of Kazakhstan

Forests area in Kazakhstan - 12,6 m ha
95% of forests – under 123 state forestry directorates
Protected areas - 24 018 800 ha, or 8.81% of the country's total territory
Only 5% forests included in protected areas (PA)