Comprehensive Programme in the field of gender equality, women’s empowerment and elimination of violence against women in Kazakhstan

Comprehensive Programme in the field of gender equality, women’s empowerment and elimination of violence against women in Kazakhstan

UNDP Kazakhstan, alongside other UN Agencies (UN Women, UNFPA, UNICEF), is implementing a joint Programme with the Government of Kazakhstan to eliminate gender-based inequalities and improve the status of women. Kazakhstan aligns its national plans and programmes with its Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050” and aims to join the world’s 30 most developed countries by 2050. Achievement of this goal will depend on Kazakhstan’s ability to become a more inclusive society, ensuring equal opportunities for women and men, with more participatory decision-making and more sustainable, human-centered growth.

Within the joint Programme, we provide support in strengthening the capacity and institutional framework of the National Commission on Women’s Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy, an advisory body to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2019, we conducted a full-scale functional review and analysis of the current organizational design of the National Commission and we continue providing expert support to the organization in formulation and specification of terms of references, assistance in monitoring of the implementation of the Concept of Family and Gender Policy until 2030, as well as supporting new legislative initiatives in the field of gender, family and demographic policy.